Type of transport

All different types of transport clearly arranged.

Types of transport to Spain and Portugal

BTA International offers different types of transport to Spain and Portugal. For example, we specialize in road transport, but we also have options for sea freight and air freight. Since 1993 we specialize in road transport to Spain and Portugal. In addition to this traditional mode of transport, sea freight is becoming increasingly popular. This is because short sea shipping is a cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative to road transport. Air freight is also within our options. If your shipment needs to be there quickly or has to be transported in a special way, this is the way to transport!

Sea freight Spain and Portugal Sea freight Spain and Portugal

Every day, several sea freights depart from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany to Spain and Portugal under the flag of BTA International .

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Roadtransport Spain and Portugal Roadtransport Spain and Portugal

Every day, several road transports depart from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany under the banner of BTA International to Spain and Portugal.

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Choose between price and speed

At BTA International you have the option to choose between price and speed. This way you determine what you find important and what is leading for your transport.

Choose between price and speed
0 Freigt trucks en-route
0 Machines transported

Experience since 1993

Since 1993 we have been specialized in road transport from and to Spain and Portugal. We also have various options for sea and air freight. Ask one of our specialists for the possibilities!

BTA International takes care of the rest

All you have to do is calculate the transport costs and request a quote. After requesting a quote, we will arrange the rest and all you have to do is confirm the quote. From that moment on, you no longer have to worry about your transport to or from Spain and Portugal. We really arrange everything. From required documents to delivery, everything is arranged for you. This way you can deal with more important matters.

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